
POI never fade


S1 10  Number Crunch

- Any sign of the kid? - No.

Still looking.

Knew we shouldn't have trusted him.

Damn kid's always been reckless.



reckless  adj.鲁莽的,不顾危险的; 粗心大意的; 满不在乎的; 胆大妄为;


Whenever you're ready, Mr. Reese.

I'm in here.

Where did you come from?

I breached the space-time continuum.

Not really.

I did sense my privacy being invaded.

But we'll leave that for now. We have work to do.

Numbers have come in.

What do you mean, numbers?

What plurals usually mean.

More than one.

In this case four.

Claire Ryan, 42, lecturer at NYU.

Matt Duggan, 33, a waiter.

Wendy Mcnally, 29, a hairstylist.

And Paula Vasquez, 23, unemployed.

They seem completely random.


when the machine sends us number clusters like this,

there is some connection.

So one of these four could be trying to kill the other three

Or they could all be victims or all killers,

or as you say, all random.

Either way, we need to move fast.

Claire Ryan's number came up first

if only by a millisecond.

242 Wilson in Queens, apartment 3C.

Speaking of privacy.

Careful what you look for, Mr. Reese,

or you might find it.


1.Where did you come from?

I breached the space-time continuum.

Not really.

I did sense my privacy being invaded.


在宅总说I did sense my privacy being invaded前李四发现一本书里夹着的照片。





2.Claire Ryan's number came up first if only by a millisecond.



3.Speaking of privacy.

Careful what you look for, Mr. Reese, or you might find it.


We have to be straight with you.

Some things don't add up.

Like what?

You go to meet your confidential informant,

one Nashus Drake, aka "Bottlecap"--

according to you, a trusted source.

He shoots you in the chest.

Luckily, you're wearing a vest.

He's gonna kill you when he gets shot by an unknown shooter?

Like it says in my statement.

Your statement doesn't say

where this unknown shooter came from.

Because I don't know.

It also doesn't say why he did it.

Maybe because he saw me about to get shot.

So he cares about you.

I doubt he gives a damn about me.

But this is the man you've been chasing

for the last three months.

As it says in my statement, I believe so.

So what, this guy allegedly you've been trying to lock up,

- he saves your life? - Allegedly.

That's clever.

You know what would be clever?

You pretending to chase this guy

when in fact you're working for him.

I think we're done here.

Detective, tell me something.

Has he made contact with you?

Spoken to you?

You got my statement.

We don't talk again unless my delegate is present.


1.Maybe because he saw me about to get shot.

So he cares about you.

I doubt he gives a damn about me.

一般警察都能看出来李四救卡姐是因为李四关心她。像卡姐这么优秀的警察当然也能看出来。但卡姐所表现出的对李四的态度正如她那时所想的I doubt he gives a damn about me. 注意这句话的语气,卡姐非常怀疑李四的动机。事实虽然是李四救了她,但是因为卡姐对四叔的了解和四叔对卡姐的了解并不对称,所以在卡姐眼中他还是一个潜逃在外非常不稳定的危险分子,虽然有做好事但是很有可能会伤及无辜的人。卡姐对他的态度也是非常犹豫的,虽有感激之情但还是非常谨慎。上集的最后卡姐看到窗外的机车男的那一瞬间,她的眼神蕴含的情绪也很复杂。而我觉得卡姐现在对四叔的这种不确定情感很大程度上就酝酿出了本集后面卡姐出卖四叔的剧情,那通非常犹豫但最终还是打了的电话在这里有埋下种子。


allegedly adv.据说; 依其申述;

delegate  n.代表,代表团成员;

                 vt.委派代表; 授权给; [法律] 债务转移;

 confidential informant 复习 CI 线人

So he's pacing back and forth, back and forth,

back and forth.

Finally pulls his mask down, walks right into the door,

knocks himself out cold.

The genius forgot to cut the eyeholes in the mask.


Hey, Carter.

What are you doing? You got shot.

Take some time off, for pete's sake.

My vest got shot. It can take some time off.

How's it going with the inquiry and everything?

The way these things usually go.

They make you feel like you murdered your own mother.

So I'm stuck on my desk and you're working with Olson.

Great. Detective Happy.

What did you tell 'em about the CI?

The truth.

He was taken out by an unknown shooter.

The guy--you got a good look at him this time, didn't you?

No. Not his face.

Well, maybe that's a good thing.

'cause you know, it would be hard.

You don't know whether to thank the guy or arrest him.

No, that'd be easy. I'd arrest him.

Look, whatever happens or you need anything,

- I got your back, all right? - Okay.


1.Well, maybe that's a good thing.

'cause you know, it would be hard.

You don't know whether to thank the guy or arrest him.

No, that'd be easy. I'd arrest him.



Finch, I'm at Claire's apartment.

Something's up.

Excuse me.

- Finch. - Mr. Reese.

You said the machine would give us the number and time.

It didn't.


So what do we got?

Victim's name is Claire Ryan.

Some kind of professor. Lived alone.

Looks like she was beaten up.

One shot to the head, close range.

Looks like she came into some money.

Blu-ray player, new tablet, shoes.

Expensive shoes-- Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik.

All bought this morning.

What else do we know about our vic?

I asked you a question, Fusco.

What? What's that?


I'm done at Claire's, Finch.

I need you out on the street.

You got to help me get eyes on the remaining three.

I'm more useful here, trying to find connections between them

No point in that if they're all dead.

Tracking people down is your area of expertise.

I can't track three people down,

and I don't want to lose anyone else.

I need you out here.

I'm on my way.

I'll take Wendy.

Put Fusco on Paula.

Can you track Matt?

I can track Matt.

On my way.


1.I need you out on the street.

You got to help me get eyes on the remaining three.

I'm more useful here, trying to find connections between them

No point in that if they're all dead.

Tracking people down is your area of expertise.

I can't track three people down,

and I don't want to lose anyone else.

I need you out here.

I'm on my way.

宅总一直都尽量避免出外勤,一个是他腿脚不方便,还有他不愿看到暴力场景,他不擅长跟踪,这个很多细节都表现出来了。但当李四一再说明此次任务的特殊性和他需要帮助时,宅总还是决定I'm on my way.让宅总走出心理舒适区的杀手锏还是拿人命说事I don't want to lose anyone else.不恰当的说,这就是宅总的弱点:people


What the hell are you doing here?

You didn't kill her, did you?

Lionel, after all we've been through.


Why aren't you working with Carter?

She's on desk duty till our homicide gets cleaned up.

Some unknown gunman caused her a world of grief.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

No. Find this girl Paula.

Address is on the back.

Keep your eyes on her.

Paula Vasquez? Why?

Don't want her ending up like the lady upstairs.

You think she might?

I know she won't,

because you'll throw yourself in front of the bullet.

Funny guy.

What about the homicide I'm supposed to be investigating?

Paula could be connected to your homicide.

Stay on her.


1.Some unknown gunman caused her a world of grief.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?



2.I know she won't, because you'll throw yourself in front of the bullet.



Who messed with my desk?

Carter. In here.

What else have you got on your special forces guy?

Everything I got is in the file he's reading,

whoever he is.     

You've been after this guy for months.

You don't even have a description?

He--he's tall. He wears a suit.

Sometimes rides a motorcycle. That's it.

This is serious, Carter.

You letting him run, you've made him a problem

for the whole department.

I did not let him run.

I've been trying to catch the son of a bitch.

Did he shoot your CI?

I'm not answering that until I know who he is.

Answer the question or turn in your badge.

Yes, it was him.

That will be all, detective.


1.Everything I got is in the file he's reading, whoever he is.     

Snow ,小雪第一次出现,但我们并不知道他是谁,只知道他对李四的事有兴趣。



badge   n.徽章,像章,奖章; 象征,标记; [美国俚语] 警察;

              vt.以…为标志; 使佩带像章; (或徽章、标记) 给予…标记; (或徽号) 授予…奖章; 

Finch, I'm at Wendy's salon.

Seems fine.

Hang on a sec.

Signature, please.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Can I help you?


need to make an appointment.

Wash and cut?

Something a little more modern?

Bit of styling?

Is this, uh, gray, au naturel or au bouteille?

It's, uh--

Sexy either way.

- So, uh, you single? - What?

Single? Yes.

Girls, he's single.

I just need an appointment.

I'm sorry,

but I'm not letting you back out on the street looking like this.


1.Hang on a sec.

Signature, please.

Thank you.



2.Is this, uh, gray, au naturel or au bouteille?

It's, uh--

Sexy either way.



3.Single? Yes.

Girls, he's single.



Damn it!

Mr. Reese,

I'm tracking our friend Matt Duggan.

Looks like he's having an early midlife crisis.

He just quit his job and now he's shopping for motorcycles.

Hold on.

My aunt in Boston died, left me a nice chunk of change.

Thought I'd treat myself to a dream.

Won't be a minute, hon.

Yep, he's buying himself a new Ducati.

Paying cash.

Murdered woman Claire was spending big too.

Look around, Finch.

Is anyone watching your guy?

I'm not exactly good at this.

No, no one I can see.

Well, keep your eyes open.

Call me back.

1.Damn it! 




midlife crisis  中年危机



Yeah, that Paula girl? I lost her.

She gave me the slip.

Well, good work, detective.

I'm sorry, okay?

Look, another thing. I think she bought a firearm.

You lost her and she weaponed up?

You better stick to your...

day job.

- Excuse me, I'm waiting for Wendy. - I'm sorry.

She had an emergency, had to rush off.

I'm free. I can fit you in now.

No, that's okay. Thank you.

Finch, what do you got?

Our man is coming out of the showroom.

Placed his order and left a deposit.

Okay, stay on him.

Both girls just gave us the slip.

Hold on. Someone left a stroller.

What are you talking about?

There's a baby stroller near the car.

I don't know where the mom--

There she is.

My God, it's a bomb!

Get down. Get down on the ground, Finch.

I have to warn him!

Finch, are you okay?



1.Get down. Get down on the ground, Finch.

I have to warn him!

Finch, are you okay?





deposit  n.保证金; 储蓄,存款; 沉淀物; 寄存,寄存品;

               vt.储蓄; 寄存; 放置,安置; 付保证金;



I saw it. I saw the crash.

My God. He's dead.

What's that stuff?

I think it's cocaine.


I should have seen it quicker.

I mean, what kind of a mother leaves a stroller?

And she was wearing sunglasses and a scarf,

obviously to hide her face.

- Finch. - If I could have warned him,

- He might still be here. - Finch.

You couldn't have saved him.

You have to let it go.

We have to concentrate on the ones still alive.

- Wendy and Paula. - Yes.

I've looked for connections, found none.

No shared employment history.

No social networking.

Paula's online footprint is miniscule,

So she's either the paranoid sort

or she likes to fly beneath the radar--

both of which I can relate to.

- But I--   - Finch, connections.

Right, I'm sorry.

Smartphones are constantly searching for Wi-Fi signals.

And they keep the last hundred or so Wi-Fi hot spots

in their memory.

I've extracted that from Matt, Wendy, and Claire's phones,

and I'm using it to plot where our friends went in the last 24 hours

to see if they--to see if they intersect.

Roosevelt Drive... 11:57 pm.

They were all in the same place for four minutes.


According to the DOT website,

there was a traffic accident with a fatality.

Name of the deceased withheld.

That's our connection.

For three of them,

but not paranoid Paula.

We don't have her phone, so we don't know

where she was that night.

Fusco said she bought a gun. She could be our killer.

Then you need to get to Wendy.

I have tried, but her apartment's empty,

and she's abandoned her cell phone.

Only relative I could find--

Wendy's mom Susan, lives in Putnam County.


1.both of which I can relate to.

But I--   - Finch, connections.

宅总说话越说越激动,李四这时非常冷静的提醒他Finch, connections.让他专注于联系。两人间的这种相互互补也是非常好的小细节。



miniscule   adj.草写小字的,小字的;

paranoid    adj.属于偏执狂的; 患妄想狂的; 过分猜疑的;

                    n.偏执狂患者; 妄想症患者;

intersect    复习 vt.横断,横切,横穿;

                    vt.(指线条、道路等) 相交,交叉;

fatality       n.宿命; 灾祸; 死亡; (事故) 致命性;

fly beneath the radar

- What are you doing, Carter? - I got bored.

Thought I'd lend you a hand with your case.

I ran your murder victim Claire Ryan's fingerprints through AFIS.

They showed up at this car crash two nights ago.

Claire's prints were on the car.

And this guy--Matt Duggan.

CSU thinks they were witnesses

trying to help this guy in the car,

but he was killed on impact.

I must have missed something.

How does this help our case?

Well, Claire's dead, and so is Matt.

Killed in a car explosion yesterday.

Which could be a coincidence,

except Matt had just bought himself a brand-new Ducati.

Paying cash.

Claire had been shopping too.

So they're both at the crash,

they both get money, they both get dead.

Money must have come from inside the car.

Who was driving it?

According to CSU, Congressman Hallen's son, Jamie.

A Congressman's son gets killed?

How does that get hushed up?

The Congressman's on the committee investigating Wall Street banks.

And he's a friend of the Police Unions.

I guess that buys some goodwill.

Was it an accident?

CSU thinks Jamie was speeding and on coke.

The only thing that was found in the car

was a brochure for a Haitian Orphans Charity Jamie ran.

I should go down to 1PP,

check out what the cameras at the Real Time Crime Center saw.

I think you should stay at your desk

like the captain told you to.


goodwill n.商誉; 友好,亲善; 好感,青睐; (企业的) 信誉,声誉;

hush up

V. 1. To stop talking; become quiet: The crowd hushed up as the speaker approached the podium. 

eg: Hush up—you'll wake the baby!

1.To make someone stop talking or become quiet: 

eg:The guards hushed up the prisoners.  

2.To prevent something from being talked about; keep something from public knowledge:    

eg:The government acted quickly to hush up the scandal. 


Lionel, what a pleasure.

Our murder victim Claire Ryan--

she connects to Congressman Hallen's son, Jamie.

Died two nights ago in a car crash.

Maybe you want to give this to your little friend

with the glasses.

I'm here, Detective Fusco.

Yeah, right. Hi to you too.

Like I was about to say,

there were two sets of prints on Jamie Hallen's car.

Claire's and a Matt Duggan's.

- He got killed-- - in an explosion yesterday.

Jamie Hallen crashed on Roosevelt Drive?

Thought that was supposed to be hushed.

Car crash must be where they got the money, Finch.

Jeez, anything you don't know?

Yeah. How's Carter doing?

She's hanging in there, you know?

But it's hard to do the job when you're stuck on your desk.

We'll keep an eye on her, make sure she's okay.

And detective, leave your phone on

when you talk to Congressman Hallen.

You can hear me all the time?

Yes, and I'm hearing rather too much

of your lower intestine.

Could you possibly move your phone

from your belt to your jacket pocket?

Fusco, you die in there?

Keep your panties on, I'm coming.


1.Thought that was supposed to be hushed.

Car crash must be where they got the money, Finch.

Jeez, anything you don't know?

Yeah. How's Carter doing?



2.You can hear me all the time?

Yes, and I'm hearing rather too much

of your lower intestine.

Could you possibly move your phone

from your belt to your jacket pocket?



If there's anything I can do,

please call me.

Thank you, Davis.

Thank you very much.

And again, deepest sympathies for your loss, Congressman.

Appreciate it. Thank you.

The police, sir.

Detectives Olson and Fiasco.


Why--why are you here?

I already talked to one of your people

about Jamie's accident.

We have further questions about the accident, Sir.

It may relate to another case.

Do you know your son's movements that night?

He was at a party at Davis Bannerman's house.

He, uh, was driving home when he was...killed.

You're investigating Bannerman's bank,

and your son socializes with him?

I didn't like it either,

but I couldn't control my son's social life.

You son have a lot of money on him that night?

I have no idea.

Why would that be pertinent?

Two people were murdered.

We think they were both at the crash site.

We also think they found money in the car.

I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.

Was he dealing drugs?

Look, he's dead.

Can't we just let it go at that?

Two other people are dead too. So, no.

Was he dealing?

I worried that he--he--

he was doing something he shouldn't be doing.

He was dealing with people

he shouldn't have been dealing with.

That's all I can say about it.

Well, we'll have to talk to Bannerman.

As long as you take what he says to you

with a grain of salt.

We're not friends.

One of these were found in your son's car.

Did he set up this charity?

Yes, he did.

That's how I like to think of him.

His good deeds.

You left Bannerman's house, but you weren't going home,

were you, Jamie?


1.Look, he's dead.

Can't we just let it go at that?

Two other people are dead too. So, no.

Was he dealing?




pertinent adj.有关的,相干的; 恰当的,中肯的; 关于…的; 切题的;

take sth. with a grain of salt   

这个习语的字面意思是“和一撮盐一起吃下去”,为什么要与盐一起吃呢?据说这个习语要追溯到罗马时代,罗马将军庞培曾发现一种解毒剂,必须和着一小把盐才服得下去。解毒剂难咽,加了盐也许好咽些,于是这句习语用于描述对一些不靠谱的,值得怀疑的东西,得“和着盐”才能勉强接受。现在,对某件事情或某人说的话有所保留,将信将疑,持怀疑态度,就可以说take itwith a grain of salt. 英文注释是:To take something with a grain of saltmeans to accept it but to maintain a degree of skepticism about its truth.


Here is your new phone, Okay?

Thanks. Did you say anything to mom?

Not till I know that we're safe.

Did you hear about that guy Matt?

There's people looking for us.


You get back, or I will shoot you.

If you're going to buy a gun...

make sure you know how to use it.

You came to the salon.

What do you want?

You mean apart from a haircut?

How do you two know each other?

We've known each other for years.

We're foster sisters.

Not that that's any of your business.

Guess the, uh, money you took from the crashed car

is none of my business either?

We're not telling you anything,

till we know who you are and why you're following us.

Hello! Anyone at home?

Find out what he wants.

And stand away from the door.

Who is it?

My name is Dayne.

I'm sorry to trouble you,

But my car has just broken down.

I'm sorry, but this isn't a garage.

I know, I know, but the thing is--

is my phone just died

And the kids are getting kind of scared,

so if I could just use your phone?

I--I'll pay for the call.

Let him in.


All right.

Here's how Jamie Hallen died.

I persuaded a tech at the Real Time Crime Center

to copy this for me.

Two cars stopped after the crash.

Crime Center guys were able to read the plates.

Prius registered to Claire Ryan,

Escort to Matt Duggan,

so they're confirmed.

But look at this.

Two more women.

- Crime Center identify them? - Nope.

Camera's set for maximum field of view.

Resolution's not enough for facial recognition.

This is where it gets interesting.

Suitcase. That has to be the money.

We got to find these girls before the killers do.

Guy at the Crime Center said there's another detective

looking for them.

Detective Foster, 82nd precinct.

We got anything else?

Yeah. This guy.

About 30 minutes after the crash,

He makes a phone call.

Wish we could hear what he was saying.

Unfortunately, we're not the NSA.

Vehicle must be new, 'cause look.

There are no plates.

That's convenient.

Want to get in some more trouble, Carter?

Go talk to Detective Foster, and see if he knows anything.

Be a pleasure.


1.Wish we could hear what he was saying.

Unfortunately, we're not the NSA.



Finch, can you do a search

for Susan McNally at St. George's hospital?

I'm on it.

Everything all right?

Killers just tried to take out Wendy and Paula.

Please tell me they failed.

For now. Girls took off.

They're sisters, Finch. Foster sisters.

If their mom's still at St. George's,

that's where I think they'll go.

- Mom is still there. - So she's sick?

That why the girls took the money?

Had a fall, broke her hip.

Not sick exactly.

Her home is the problem.

Mortgage is worth more than the house.

Bank's foreclosing on her.

At least they took the money for a reason.

- You know whose it is yet?  - I'm digging.

Keep those girls safe.



mortgage    复习 按揭

foreclosing  v.排除; 取消(抵押品)赎回权; ( foreclose的现在分词 ) 取消(抵押人的)赎回抵押品的权利; 阻止;


Fusco, Carter. Just left the 82nd.

There is no Detective Foster.

Somebody used a fake detective shield to get eyes

on the crash footage.

Remember how Claire was beaten up?

I think the killer tracked her through her license plates,

then tortured her to get the other names.

Call me.

What's wrong with you, following a cop?

Trying to get yourself shot?

I'm just worried about you, detective.

Don't. Just back off, okay?

You and your preppy friend over there.

Why don't we go somewhere quiet where we can talk?



footage 尺码; 录像; 片段;


You're CIA.

I met plenty like you in the Green Zone.

So why are you worried about me?

Because of the man you're chasing.

He's dangerous.

He saved my life.

What was that, an accident?

No. Just proves he still has good instincts.

- Do you even know him? - yeah.

I was his best friend.

Then why do you want him so bad?

Because he used to kill people for his country.

Now he just kills them.

His victims... the ones that we know of.

For some he deserves a medal.

For some, the chair.

Why are you telling me this?

Cause we want you to know who he is.

He's an incredibly dangerous, incredibly gifted man

who's been almost destroyed by the things he was made to do.

He's always looking for someone to trust,

but his paranoia makes trust impossible.

I don't understand.

Kara Stanton-- his CIA handler.

They were a team.


saved each other's lives a dozen times, and then--

He killed her.

Then disappeared.

We thought he was dead.

Gave him his star on the wall at Langley.

Then three months ago, you ran his prints--

brought him back from the dead.

We want to bring him back in before he kills anyone else.

before he kills himself.

We want to help him.

So where do I come in to all of this?

We think he trusts you.

Like he trusted her.

We want you to keep yourself, and him, alive.


1.Because of the man you're chasing.

He's dangerous.

He saved my life.

What was that, an accident?

No. Just proves he still has good instincts.

- Do you even know him? - yeah.

I was his best friend.

从这个CIA小雪的口中,我们仿佛听不到熟悉的四叔了,是因为四叔真的一直以来都在隐藏自己的本性?I was his best friend。四叔曾有个好朋友??之前的闪回中没有任何的提示。这一段好像要揭示四叔的过去了。


2.Because he used to kill people for his country.

Now he just kills them.

His victims... the ones that we know of.

For some he deserves a medal.

For some, the chair.



3.Cause we want you to know who he is.

He's an incredibly dangerous, incredibly gifted man

who's been almost destroyed by the things he was made to do.

He's always looking for someone to trust,

but his paranoia makes trust impossible.



4.So where do I come in to all of this?

We think he trusts you.

Like he trusted her.

斯坦顿和四叔搭档多年,雪说四叔杀了他的搭档。我想借用神夏夏跳楼集里华生对夏洛克说的,你不是骗子,我知道真实的你。我知道真实的你四叔。即使你有过一些过去,你也无法接受亲手夺走身边的人的生命,你做不到。在316,编剧圆了这个坑。你果然不忍心亲手为她送上子弹。雪和卡姐的这段谈话围绕四叔,一让四叔的黑暗史更加迷雾重重,二让卡姐的怀疑加深,三让我们知道,他们如果想将一个人的过去现在未来都肆意毁掉,就像四叔说的they're clever like that.


Thanks for coming in, Mr. Bannerman.

Anything for the NYPD.

Jamie Hallen--

he was at a party at your house, two nights ago.


He was stoned.

I asked him to leave.

Even ordered a cab for him.

He left before it arrived... sadly.

Was he dealing drugs?

Look, I liked the kid.

But I don't want to--

Was he dealing drugs?

I don't know.

But he seemed to have a lot of money suddenly.

And, uh, let's put it like this.

I heard he was dealing with some people he shouldn't.


I heard, Detective Fusco.

Bannerman's story confirmed Congressman Hallen's.

Yeah, he said the same things.

- So it doesn't help us. - You're not hearing me.

He said the same thing as Hallen.

Look, I interrogate a lot of douches,

and I know when they got their lies lined up.

They coordinated their stories?

Despite the fact they're supposed to hate each other?

I think Bannerman was working something with Hallen.

Jamie was a go-between,

And now they're tossing him under the bus.


1. So it doesn't help us. - You're not hearing me.

He said the same thing as Hallen.

Look, I interrogate a lot of douches,

and I know when they got their lies lined up.


Mr. Reese?

I'm at the hospital.

Wendy's here.

No sign of Paula.

What do you got?

Getting close.

I know where Jamie was going that night anyway.

Only as far as Laguardia Airport.

- Was he flying somewhere? - Yes.

On a jet belonging to Davis Bannerman.

Flight plan to the Caymans filed with the FAA.

Jamie Hallen the only passenger on the manifest.

Excuse me, can I help you?

Are you looking for someone?

Just found him. Thanks.

Why was he going to the Caymans?

I believe he was working for his Haitian Orphans Charity.

A theory I'm about to put to the test.

I'll call you.


manifest  vt.显示,表明; 证明; 使显现;



A theory I'm about to put to the test.   我要去验证一个想法


Where's Paula?

She's gone to get something to eat.

We were worried about you.

Wasn't me they were trying to kill.

I'm sorry we lied to you before.

You were at the crash scene.

Want to tell me what happened?

We were out walking.

The car crashed almost in front of us.

We ran up, found two people there already...

trying to help.

The, uh-- the driver was dead--

coke all over him.

And a suitcase with, like, a million bucks in it.

Young guy, fast car,

cocaine, cash.

I mean, the money had to be illegal.

So you took it.

We divided it up...

250 grand each.

Would have fixed everything.

It was wrong.

We knew it was wrong.

We should have...

called 911, and walked away.

Where's the money?

It's under mom's bed in there.

The nurses think it's her knitting.

$1/2 million worth of knitting.



knit vt.编织,编结; 接合; (折骨等) 使皱起,使皱紧; 使紧密相联;

        n.编织物; 编织法;


What do you want to do?

We want to give the money back.

But we don't know who these guys are.

Drug dealers?


And your mom?

Her house?

We'll find a way... somehow.

That's Paula.

Just sent you a picture.

I want you to get the money and come down

to the third floor of the parking garage.

Come alone-- no muscle--

if you want your friend to live.


Found him.

He's dead. The money's gone.

We got cameras. Might need some help.


Mr. Hallen, this is Thomas Paine.

Congressman, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

Always a pleasure to meet a representative of the blogosphere.

Have a seat.

That's a rather famous name.

Nom de plume.

Sir, your enemies are trying to bring you down.

And they're using your son to do it.

They used Jamie? How?


You know about his Haitian Orphans Charity.

Yes, I hope it will be his legacy.

I hope it won't.

They have $30 million in that account,

and they've never helped a single child.

It's a classic black-arts setup.

They open an offshore account--

Who are they, for God's sake?

The banks, of course.

Bannerman and his ilk.

They stuff it with money,

they tie you to it by association,

and then they expose it and ruin you.

The man who's supposed to bring honesty to Wall Street

is shown to be as corrupt as those he's investigating.

Have you taken this to the police?

No, no, no.

They're in the pocket of Wall Street.

I'm offering you a chance to extricate yourself.

As your son's executor,

you could close that charity,

transfer those funds to the Red Cross.

And then what would your enemies have on you?


You'd be clean.

And all of their dirty money would have gone to a good cause.

- That's a brilliant idea. - But you have to move fast.

I will. Do you have a contact number?

It's written on this...

My plume de nom rather than nom de plume.

Indeed, Mr. Paine.

I'm deep in your debt.


Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩 百度

Nom de plume n.<法>笔名;

legacy      复习 n.遗产; 遗赠;

extricate   vt.使摆脱困难,脱身;

                  n.解脱; 解脱者;

executor   n.遗嘱执行人; 执行者; 实行者;


Davis Bannerman.

Davis, this is Jim Hallen.

Before you ask me how I am, I'm not well.

Not only is my son dead,

but his damn accident

is threatening to put us both in jail.

My people are on top of it.

The last two items are about to be dealt with,

- So relax. - I can't!

Some idiot blogger found out about the Cayman charities.

What? How?

How do I know?

We've got to shut it down, move the money.

But first, you've got to close up the leak.

No problem.

How do we find him?



Detective Fusco.

I'm sending you a recording.



Heard you've been taking some heat because of me.


Maybe you can come in here, help me explain some things.

No, thanks.

But I can help you look good in another way.

Oh, yeah?

The people who killed Claire Ryan and Matt Duggan--

parking garage, St. George's hospital.

When's it going down?

- I have to go. - Wait.

Thank you...

for saving my life.

You're welcome.



He just called.

I know where he's going to be.


1.- I have to go. - Wait.

Thank you...

for saving my life.


He just called.

I know where he's going to be.

这里我相信卡姐说的Thank you...for saving my life.是真心的。虽然她马上就背叛了他但这句话没必要说谎。这个场景对卡姐心里对四叔的态度表现有很大作用,前面已经说过。



Call the number.

Tell him he doesn't see you or the money

until you see Paula.

I'm here.

But I'm not going to do a thing

until I can see that Paula's safe.


Paula's okay.

You're going to walk towards her.

If I shot, you run.



You again?

Have you lost your car?

I'm waiting for someone.

Okay. Good night then.

Wendy, Paula, run!

Run, Paula!

I thought you were nice.

Are you okay?

Will you take this?

No. You earned it.

No one's coming after you anyway, not now.

But you should go quickly.


Thank you...

for saving my life.

Your welcome.

He just called.

I know where he's going to be.

You got the cameras?

Yeah, cutting the feeds now.

You laid it on the line

In shadows where you hide

A life that was designed

You've been cheated so blind

Hello, John.


Glad to see you're still alive.

I bet you are.

Surprised you ended up in New York city.

Thought you'd get yourself a cabin in the woods--

Montana, maybe.

What do you want, Mark?

Time to come home, John.

Slate's been wiped clean.

Imagine no more tears

You know that will never happen.

These twisted words of time

And how your spirit shines

I wish that you were mine

You see him?


Get down here and find him.


Damn it!

I know that I've been falling



I bet you are  有点Sure you think so..的意思


Hey, Harold.

John, I've been trying to call you.

Yeah, I've been kind of busy.

- Where are you? - Parking structure.

It's not looking good.

Carter sold you out.

They got to her.

Yeah, they're clever like that.

I wanted to say thank you, Harold,

for giving me a second chance.

It's not over, John.

I'm close. Just get to the ground floor.

No. You stay away.

Don't even risk it.

1.Hey, Harold.

John, I've been trying to call you.

Yeah, I've been kind of busy.

四叔成这个样子了,他也只是弱弱的说了一句 I've been kind of busy,心疼死了

2.I wanted to say thank you, Harold,

for giving me a second chance.


还记得上一次餐厅他对宅总说的是 thank you for giving me a job。

在他认为生命的最后一刻他说thank you, Harold,for giving me a second chance.



突然想到这里就特别虐,想想即将到来的第五季,不知道四叔的命运怎么样,他还会再对宅总说一次thank you吗?我想他会的。


Hold it!


Get him out of here.

Come on.






