
POI never fade


S1 06 The Fix (漂亮聪明Zoe出场)

You know why I'm here. You know how I feel.

I can't hide it anymore.

What we're doing is wrong.



You're not my regular guy.

He's sick.

They called me to fill in at the last moment.

Callahan Car Service.

Zoe Morgan. You changed my driver.

Sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Morgan,

But Bill's come down with laryngitis.

Caught it from his son.

Which son?

Andy. The younger one.

We sent our best driver in his place.

I'll be the judge of that.

No small talk, no questions, 

just stay in the car, and you keep your eyes on the road.

We'll settle up at the end of the night.

I look forward to it.


1.Zoe Morgan. You changed my driver.

Sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Morgan,

But Bill's come down with laryngitis.

Caught it from his son.

Which son?

Andy. The younger one.

Zoe一出场就显出机智和谨慎,发现司机换了,打电话询问。但一点也不担心李司机暴露,因为宅总已经把汽车公司承包了。“Callahan Car Service”宅总,你第一句话就暴露了好吗!我是说我们都知道你cos玩的不错。好在zoe不知道,Which son?Andy. The younger one.你们俩真是一个比一个机智。


Little trouble picking this lock, Mr. Reese.

It's not as easy as it looks.

Never mind, I'm in.

No photos of family or friends.

Some jazz records.

Dropped out of law school, no current employer.

But she buys a $2 million dollar apartment for cash three years ago.

What's she gotten herself mixed up in?

Where does she keep the things she cares about?

Where do you?

I don't have any things I care about.


1.Little trouble picking this lock, Mr. Reese.

It's not as easy as it looks.

Never mind, I'm in.


2.Where does she keep the things she cares about?

Where do you?

I don't have any things I care about.

没有破门经验的宅总不知道目标在哪里,他机智的换位思考,向李四讨要藏东西的地点。而李四怎么回答那?I don't have any things I care about.(李四你就骗人吧,你明明很关心宅总还把他藏图书馆)细想来还是挺虐的,不不不,必须发个糖。李四没有任何关心需要隐藏的东西也许是因为他不需要,他活的滋润,无忧无虑,没什么要关心的。(并不)



You got it?

You know I always come through for you, Zoe.

Be good, Slip.

She just paid for something.

A lot of money. Cash.

Do you know what it is?


Do you want to know where people hide things, Finch?



come through  穿过; 到达; 传来; (健康) 恢复;


Keep your eyes on the road.

Leave it running, I won't be long.

Finch, the item she bought was a gun.

But she's already got a gun in her living room.

Why does she need another one?

Well, the reason you buy a gun off the street

is so that it's untraceable.

Possible her number came up because she plans to kill someone.

Finch, she's a shooter.

Target's a cop.

Lieutenant Gilmore.

You owe me one.

And so does the cop who left his side arm in a subway

Believe me. He knows.

You saved a good cop's career.

We need all the men we can get right now.

You sure this doesn't have to do with the fact

that he's your nephew?

Either way, I'm grateful.

In a perfect world, gratitude would be enough.

That politically motivated investigation

that you're running into Councilman Rush.

About time you wrap it up.

Don't you think?

Now I know where the term "necessary evil" comes from.

That makes us square?


But it's a good start.


1.In a perfect world, gratitude would be enough.





You owe me one 你欠我一个人情.

necessary evil  n.不可避免的灾祸;


See anything interesting tonight?

Nothing worth mentioning.

Be here tomorrow. 10:00 sharp.

I hope you're out of there, Finch.

Do you know what she does, yet?

She does favors for a price.

She's a fixer.

Assuming then that she's the victim.

Any ideas who'd want to take her out?

Who wouldn't?


1.She does favors for a price.

She's a fixer.

Assuming then that she's the victim.

Any ideas who'd want to take her out?

Who wouldn't?

fixer这个词不是第一次出现了,虽然它的意思是替人解决问题。但几乎每一个fixer,都有不同的目的。在前几集中fixer是杀手,本集中fixer是消息灵通,替人消灾的zoe,在这部剧中fixer是帮助无辜之人,拯救生命的主角们。Any ideas who'd want to take her out? Who wouldn't? fixer们就像投射在某处的阴影,棱角各不相同,但从某处看去都是相似的。积德和作恶各自有风险,只是有人选择了容易的,有人选择了难的那个。


What do you got, Terney?

Vincent Deluca.

71 years old,

Public service homicide if you ask me.

The guy was an enforcer.

For "La Cosa Nostra" in Brighton Beach.

Stabbing's personal.

Is this knife from the kitchen?

Nothing in there, but a set of steak knives.

This is not serrated. Looks old, dull.


We got a rap sheet on this old gangster?

Reads like a phone book.

Armed robbery, racketeering--

He was charged with homicide in the mid '70s.

Marlene Elias?

What was that?


The murder charge he skated on.

Victim was Marlene Elias.

The evidence was stolen from lockup a couple weeks back.

Evidence was stolen from a 40-year-old cold case?

Alone with a murder weapon.

Marlene Elias was stabbed multiple times in her chest

with a kitchen knife.


1.Alone with a murder weapon.

Marlene Elias was stabbed multiple times in her chest

with a kitchen knife.




racketeering n.敲诈勒索; 诈骗;

serrated        adj.边缘呈锯齿状的,有锯齿形边缘的

rap sheet      前科

Okay, Finch, looks like Zoe's meeting with some businessman.

Sending you photos.

Got another guy watching from an SUV.

Run a license plate for me.

Gray, henry, oscar, seven, five, six, one.

Ms. Morgan.

Okay, I got a hit on that license plate.

Registered to Samuel Douglas.

Head of crisis management with Virtanen pharmaceuticals.

You familiar with Anthony Talbott?

Should I be?

He's an investment blogger.

No ethics or boundaries.

He'd do anything to get an inside scoop.

Including violate our employees' right to privacy.

We wouldn't be talking if this had anything to do with just an employee.

So what does he have on your boss?

Douglas' boss is the gentleman in the car,

Mark Lawson.

A recording he claims a conversation with a certain young lady

that could be misconstrued.

An affair?

Who cares?

His wife.

Mr. Lawson is in line to run Virtanen.

He already handles the day-to-day,

But his father-in-law's still the CEO.

What the old man doesn't know...

What's Talbott asking?


His cell phone number's in there.

Oh, and, uh, one more thing.

I'll get the recording.

I don't need to know what's on it.

We appreciate your discretion, as always.


1.Gray, henry, oscar, seven, five, six, one.


2.We wouldn't be talking if this had anything to do

with just an employee.

So what does he have on your boss?

Oh, and, uh, one more thing.

I'll get the recording.

I don't need to know what's on it.

We appreciate your discretion, as always.



misconstrue v.误解

crisis management   危机处理; 危机管理

Good afternoon, Mr. Talbott.

Nice of Virtanen to send a skirt.

I understand that you have something of interest to my client.

You know, it is amazing

what you can find just drifting out there in the ether.

One thing I have learned about

The Smartest Guys In The Room--

they just can't keep it in their pants.

You know why I'm here.

You know how I feel.

I can't hide it anymore.

This is all $40,000?

Count it.

At home.

By the way, I would have asked for $80,000.

Maybe it's a skirt thing.

1.The Smartest Guys In The Room--《房间里最聪明的人》


Talbott's a blackmailing scumbag,

but hardly a threat.

What about her previous jobs?

No client list in her apartment.

You need to get her talking.

Easier said than done.


Detective Sullivan.

Not for years now.

Bernie or Sully. Dealer's choice.

I, wanted to talk about that case you worked back in '73.

Marlene Elias.

How did that mess come up again?

A man I'm investigating broke into the evidence lockup

a few weeks ago.

He and his crew stole the contents of the evidence box.

Your notes, murder weapon,

8 inch kitchen knife,

which turned out plunged into the chest

of your lead suspect.

That would be divine retribution.

What can you tell me about Deluca?

Piece of work.

I had him dead to rights on murdering that woman.

The dimwit left a partial on the knife.

The DA dropped the case?

Bought and sold.

Back then, the city was different.

Marlene was a cocktail waitress.

She worked in a club owned by Gianni Moretti.

She has an affair with the don.

She wants him to dump his wife.

He gets tired of her complaints, and sends our friend here,

the cutlery rack, to shut her up.

He did.


The thing that stuck with me was the kid.

Kid? What kid?

I dug these up.

Marlene and the don had a kid.

A son.

He was out back playing when it happened.

Came inside and he found her.

Kid walked all the way to the station.

I still got that image of him standing there with no shoes on.

What happened to him?

Well, he didn't want to cop to the affair,

so the kid went into the system.

I don't have to tell you what happens to those kids.

You think he's the killer?

Don't know who else would go to so much trouble.



retribution n.报复; 应得的惩罚,报应; 报答,报偿;


What is that?

Ah, just some old bootlegs.

You like jazz?

You do?


Always loved what Miles Davis said about jazz.

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there."


You seem to know how to play people.

I don't play people. I fix their problems.

And to answer your question, no, I hate jazz.

Were you supposed to be meeting with two people or one?

What does it matter?

Let me take care of this, Zoe.

It's Ms. Morgan.

Get back in the car.


1.Always loved what Miles Davis said about jazz.

"Don't play what's there. Play what's not there."


Playing what's there makes you sound like everyone else. (Radio today) Playing what's not there makes you a pioneer. Play from your soul, not what's in front of you. Find what's missing. Regurgitation is not creativity, and creativity is what makes it an art. As far as life goes, do your own thing. Life is always in front of you. Do you want a life to live, or do you want to live life?

2.Let me take care of this, Zoe.

It's Ms. Morgan.

四叔叫POI的名并不少见,但发现四叔叫和他关系近的人的名好像不是很常见,比如Harold.Carter(后面就叫joss了,前面没听他叫过。) 倒是叫豆豆一口一个Lionel还挺亲切的。


You didn't tell me it was a party.

Talbott handed it over. No problems.

Did you listen to this?

You didn't hire me to listen.

Mr. Lawson would like to personally thank you.

His fee is all that's necessary.

No, we insist.

Walter, get the driver.

Get down.

Guess I'm paying you to do more than drive.

Mr. Reese, are you okay?

Yeah, the hand-off was an ambush.

Douglas tried to kill both of us.

Oh, thanks. I was there, remember?

Is she safe, Mr. Reese?

For now. A little shaken up.

Who are you talking to?

They're willing to kill for that recording.

We need to find out what's on it.

Send me Talbott's address.

Who the hell are you?

You can say we're in the same business.

fixing problems.

I had information that you might be in danger.


Who gave it to you?

You have your people. I have mine.

You need to find the journalist who sold you that recording.

Find out what's on it.

I made a copy.

I'm discreet, not stupid.

I can't hide it anymore.

- What we're doing is wrong. - Who's the girl on the tape?

No idea. Can barely make it out.


1.Mr. Lawson would like to personally thank you.

His fee is all that's necessary.

No, we insist.

自己即将陷入危险的信号不是每个人都能察觉的,而zoe一定感觉到了。人在这种时刻很容易失色惊慌,她很冷静的回复His fee is all that's necessary.既表达了我早接受了你们的谢意了,又表示我知道你们的意图想耍我。这是说话的艺术,情商真高。


2.Guess I'm paying you to do more than drive.


私心多截一张图灵根<( ̄▽ ̄)/

3.Who the hell are you?

You can say we're in the same business.

fixing problems.


4.Who gave it to you?

You have your people. I have mine.




ambush  n.伏击; 埋伏; 伏击者,伏兵; 伏击点;



Stay here.

Mr. Reese,

Report on the police band. Talbott is dead.

Apparent cardiac arrest.

Douglas moves fast.

They're killing everyone who had contact with that recording.

If they're going to this much trouble,

They'll be coming after Ms. Morgan again.

You need to stay with her.

That's going to be a problem.


I want to tell someone.

Keeps me up at night.

I'm working on the audio.

Interference suggests

it was made on an old PCS cell network,

making the recording at least two years old.

I didn't know static had a vintage.

I did manage to find a match on the woman's voice.

Compared it against video

from social networking sites, corporate press.

268 possible matches, 6 who lived in New York

But only one who worked at Virtanen Pharmaceuticals.

Virtanen is more than just a pharmaceutical company.

We create products that help and heal.

Virtanen is a family,

one I hope to be a part of for many years to come.

Dana Miller, Lawson's mistress,

was an office romance.

Nice work, Finch.

I wouldn't be so quick to congratulate me.

It's not the first time I've heard Dana Miller's name.

Six months ago,

the machine gave me her number.

I had yet to track you down,

so I wasn't in a position to help her.

Newspaper said she died of a brain aneurysm.

She was 27, and as you know,

the machine doesn't see accidents.

So she wanted to go public with the affair,

and Lawson had her killed for it.

Why not pay her off, Finch?

Lawson is heir to the entire Virtanen empire.

If Robert Keller ever found out,

Lawson would lose everything.

It wouldn't be hard for someone working at a pharmaceutical

to make murder look like natural causes.

I never thought I'd know the truth about what happened to her.

Now I also know the men responsible.

We can stop them from ever giving us another number.

Get out there, and find Ms. Morgan.

Every moment we don't have her

is a moment that Douglas can get to her.

Well, what are you going to do?

I have an important business meeting.

Recent investment of mine.


1.Interference suggests it was made on an old PCS cell network,

making the recording at least two years old.

I didn't know static had a vintage.



2.I never thought I'd know the truth about what happened to her.

Now I also know the men responsible.

We can stop them from ever giving us another number.



3.I have an important business meeting.

Recent investment of mine.




heir                      复习:继承人

pharmaceutical  adj.制药的,配药的;


We cleared my schedule for a meeting with a shareholder.

Guy isn't just a shareholder.

Bought 87 million shares in the last 48 hours.

He now owns 8% of Virtanen stock.

Never heard of this guy.

No one has.

May be a straw buyer for a takeover.

Hostile bid.

But, uh-- kid gloves.

And we may want to wheel the old man in here

for a minute to press the flesh.

Right this way, sir.

Mr. Partridge.

Mark Lawson. Pleasure to meet you, sir.

Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

I thought I knew everyone with an investment portfolio

as broad as yours.

When you're in a position where people want your money,

a little anonymity is rather rewarding.

From my time in Japan,

I've learned never to go to a business meeting empty-handed.

That is-- you're too generous.

Thank you.

You care for a tour of our facilities?

This way.


1.Bought 87 million shares in the last 48 hours.

He now owns 8% of Virtanen stock.


2.From my time in Japan,I've learned never to go to a business meeting empty-handed.

这句话有可能是宅总的借口,但没有必要,我更倾向于宅总曾在日本做过生意,并学会了不要空手做生意的道理。从很多地方都能表明宅总以前的财富积累过程。在第一集他说“I had spent better part of my life making myself very rich."从股票、投资、开公司。能精通这些并能积累足够的财力。宅总有没有可能在华尔街工作过?


kid gloves  used in reference to careful and delicate treatment of a person or situation.

Mr. Partridge 宅总的取名品味。Partridge 是一种鸟叫山鹑。

What we like to focus on

is what people really need--

pain relief.

I can certainly relate to that.

We reached a 20% market share last year.

And that's only going to rise with the launch

of our new product line, anchored by Sylocet.


New migraine drug.


Just approved by the FDA.

Mr. Partridge.

Robert Keller.

This is an impressive empire you've built here, sir.

Oh, it's Mark's empire now.

Retirement isn't officially till next spring,

but he makes all the big decisions.

Don't tell anyone.

I'd hate to lose my table at the country club.

If you'll excuse me, Mr. Partridge.

Mark has done an incredible job.

Not only in keeping our finances in order,

but overseeing a good amount of product research.

Mr. Keller, I like what I see here.

I'm confident my money is in good hands.

Lovely meeting you.

Excuse me.

I have to take this.

Flash drive's recovered.

Talbott won't be a problem again.

Great work.

But just one loose end.

Zoe Morgan.

She had a bodyguard posing as a driver.

It was an unforeseen circumstance.

It's not a loose end.

It's the whole damn thing falling apart.

I'll handle her.

And the driver, too.

Nothing can connect us to this thing.


1.It's not a loose end.

It's the whole damn thing falling apart.



migraine drug 头痛药

FDA  Food and Drug Administration 食品药物监督局


It's Sully.

I managed to fill in some of the blanks on young Carl Elias.

Good work.

No, not so good.

The kid was like a professional runaway.

From the age of eight,

he couldn't stay anywhere more than a couple of months.

So no one really knew him.

Nobody except some tough old bird named Gloria Recinto.

Apparently, she, uh, she looked after him.

He would send her a Christmas card

and some money every year.

You gotta read these things, Carter.

I mean it's as if the guy

was going to either be president or Attila the Hun.

You want me to bring him in?

I'll swing by, and pick him up.

Well, I'm going to make myself beautiful for you.

Good luck with that, Sully.


1.He would send her a Christmas card and some money every year.


2.I mean it's as if the guy was going to either be president or Attila the Hun.


Attila the Hun匈奴王,(406-453)还被称为“战神”登基成为匈奴帝国的王之后。公元433年,27岁的阿提拉与他的兄弟布来达(Bleda)一同从他们的叔父罗阿斯手中继承了帝国的王位。436年,阿提拉无情地谋杀了他的胞兄,独自君临帝国。与他的前辈们相比,阿提拉更具有雄心壮志,更富于侵略性,而且才智极为超群。在历史上,阿提拉是一个极为突显的角色。阿提拉时期的匈奴帝国是匈奴史的最后一章,也是最辉煌的一章。他使罗马人蒙羞,使日耳曼人丧胆,具有令西人沮丧而无奈的强大力量,以至于他和他的匈奴铁骑都被称为“上帝之鞭“。


swing by   to visit a place briefly


You know why I'm here. You know how I feel.

I still can't find Zoe.

I can't hide it anymore.

If I can't track her down, Douglas probably can't either.

Trying to clean up this recording.

Fill in the blanks.

I think Dana recorded this in Lawson's office, listen.

What we're doing is wrong.


She recorded the conversation on her cell phone.

To blackmail him?

No, I don't think so.

Here's the fountain in his office.

Using the bug I planted,

I was able to get room tone,

then I can strip it back out of the original recording.

Listen. This is much clearer.

I can't hide it anymore.

What we're doing is wrong.

I want to tell someone.

Keeps me up at night, knowing what our drug has done.

You need to think very carefully...

"Keeps me up at night, knowing what our drug has done"

I still have to clean up the last part of the recording,

but there's enough here that you can tell

that Dana was not having an affair with Lawson.

She was threatening to blow the whistle on him.

You know, before we--

before I found you,

the numbers haunted me.

I never felt so helpless in my entire life.

And I know I can't get justice for all of them,

but the possibility of having just one...

Looks like our Ms. Morgan has decided to be found after all.

This time, when you find her,

try not to lose her.


1.Using the bug I planted,

I was able to get room tone,

then I can strip it back out of the original recording.


2.You know, before we--

before I found you,

the numbers haunted me.

I never felt so helpless in my entire life.

And I know I can't get justice for all of them,

but the possibility of having just one...

before we,宅总顿了一下马上改口before I found you.宅总欲说未说的那个人是在宅总认为We didn't build this to save somebody.We built it to save everybody.时,让他明白every life matters, everyone is related to someone 的人。


blow the whistle : to report legal or regulatory wrongdoing of a company, especially one's employer, to authorities.

eg : She was fired for blowing the whistle on the bank's mismanagement of accounts, but she then sued the bank.


So you are tracking my cell phone.

I know how all the pieces of the city fit together.

I know all the players.

I know all the angles.

And then there's you.

Now I don't understand you.

And I don't like things that I don't understand.

Then why did you want me to come here?

because I don't have to like you

to get some news out of you.

The girl on the recording.

Her name was Dana Miller.

Lawson had her killed.

Maybe not because she was sleeping with him.

I know.

She worked at Virtanen.

She was going to come out in public--

a scandal involving one of their drugs.

Not bad,

But it's not the whole story.

She worked in clinical trials.

Five days before she was killed, she was transferred out.

Access suspended.

How did you come by that?

You have your people. I have mine.

Let me guess.

You're looking to strike a deal with Virtanen.

No, not this time.

I thought everyone had an angle.

I knew this girl once.


She got a tough lesson on the way the world works.

That reminds me of Dana.

Also, they tried to kill you.

Well, there's that, too.

You want to get out of here?

Where are we going?

To do something illegal.


1.So you are tracking my cell phone.

I know how all the pieces of the city fit together.

I know all the players.

I know all the angles.

And then there's you.

Now I don't understand you.

And I don't like things that I don't understand.


2.You have your people. I have mine.


3.I knew this girl once.


She got a tough lesson on the way the world works.

That reminds me of Dana.


知世故而不世故才是最善良的成熟—— 《半生为人》



clinical trial 临床试验


Lieutenant Gilmore.

Almost didn't recognize you without that cute uniform.

What do you want now?

There's going to be a break-in

at Virtanen Pharmaceuticals tonight.

I need you to make sure that the police don't respond.

After this, we're done.


All right, Finch, our cameras are in place.

I have full coverage. Proceed.

Hold this.

So these people are trying to kill you,

and your plan is to break into their office.

I prefer the direct approach.

This is the south entry. Any guards on the other side?

Two guards on the first floor, none on the stairwell.

Go ahead.

Going in.

Am I ever going to meet this imaginary friend of yours?

He's a very private person.

Wait, there's a guard on the third floor stairs.

He's coming your way.

You're clear. Go.

You're probably one of those guys

that can get out of anything with a paper clip.

Where did you learn this skill?

It's a long story.

Still clear, Mr. Reese.

They deleted Dana Miller's email and browser history months

Nothing is ever really deleted, Mr. Reese.

The pieces are always out there.

You just got to know how to put them back together.

Use the recovery software.

All right.

Right there.

She accessed this file a dozen times

in the days before she was killed.

Looks like a clinical trial for the new drug Sylocet.

FDA approved.

But it's been altered.

These are two files with the same name,

But the older one is slightly larger.

Six names are missing from the trail data

that Virtanen submitted to the FDA.

I need those names, Mr. Reese.

Here it comes.

They're all dead, Mr. Reese.


Every person on that list died of heart failure

within a year of taking the drug.

Lawson must've dropped them from the study

and paid the locals to hide it.

Their new wonder drug is a killer.

It's 6 people out of 200. That's a 3% mortality rate.

If a million people take that drug,

30,000 can die.

Wait, was is that sound?

Air conditioning. Why?

That's what I've been missing.


Don't talk, don't move. I need a clean recording.


I'll be in touch.


1.I have full coverage. Proceed.


2.You're probably one of those guys

that can get out of anything with a paper clip.


3.Nothing is ever really deleted, Mr. Reese.

The pieces are always out there.

You just got to know how to put them back together.

Use the recovery software.

The pieces are always out there. You just got to know how to put them back together.这句私心很喜欢,虽然没有什么太大的情感夹杂,但是道理非常明白。线索总在那里,你只要想办法把它们拼凑在一起。耐心、冷静、敏锐都是要慢慢培养的,就像夏洛克一样。为什么我又要提夏洛克?


Guess we should call the cops, huh.

Bad move, Lieutenant.

If I can't trust you, I'll have to destroy you.

Something makes me think you won't get that chance.

Besides, I held up my end.

You wanted the cops not to respond?

This is the cops not responding.

Keeps me up at night, knowing what our drug has done.

You need to think very carefully...

You're leaving me with no choice.

I'm going to go to Keller.

Reese, I think I've found something.

Mr. Reese?


1.If I can't trust you, I'll have to destroy you.




I told you I'd handle it.

I've got them both.

I'm on my way.

You never did tell me your name.


The name's John.

Of course it is.

So, John...

how did you know I was going to be in trouble?

Given your choice of career,

doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

You might consider a new line of work.

You're one to judge.

Besides, you don't know anything about me.

I know almost everything about you.

I know you grew up in a nice house in Yonkers.

I know your dad was a city official

till he got snared in a corruption case.

I know you spent the rest of your childhood

in a little apartment in Queens with your mother.

About the only thing I don't know about you

is why you started doing whatever it is you do.

My dad was a party man.

Machine politician.

Did what he was told.

Right up until the cops showed up,

put the cuffs on him.

The local press was camped out on our lawn for weeks.

Then this guy showed up,

the guy that the party would send to deal with...

uncomfortable situations.

He said two words.

And those reporters?

They packed up, and they left,

and they never came back.

And I realized, that's what I want to be.

The person who knows what to say,

and always has something to trade.

So what are you going to trade now?


1.You never did tell me your name.


The name's John.

John,一直是剧中李四的名字。然而我们知道即使是Reese也很有可能不是他的真名。Finch 这个名也同样不一定是真名。那么,在这部剧的最后,我们有没有可能知道我们英雄们的真实名字?


2.Then this guy showed up,

the guy that the party would send to deal with...

uncomfortable situations.

He said two words.

And those reporters?

They packed up, and they left,

and they never came back.

And I realized, that's what I want to be.

The person who knows what to say,

and always has something to trade.

这里面有一个小伏笔。He said two words.And those reporters?They packed up, and they left.在后面的某一集Zoe 用同样的方法赶走了围在POI家的记者。当一个人能真正震撼到你,对于这种人你是会有向往的。The person who knows what to say,and always has something to trade. 而Zoe又是这样一个独立的女性,蔑视权威,打道德的擦边球。你会好奇她是怎么成长的,什么影响了她成为这样一个人。人都说啊榜样的力量是无穷的,谁说不是呢?

这部剧中的人都没有绝对的黑与白,他们有的是自己的行事风格,做事准则,人格特点都非常鲜明。Zoe, Reese,Finch等都是,都有过去的事,有改变,有发展,这样的一个过程就组成了这部剧。



snare n.陷阱,罗网; 诱惑; 

           vt.捕捉;   陷害;

machine politician 政客  a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends.

Yes, it's Mr. Partridge.

I need to speak to Mr. Keller, immediately.

I'm sorry, sir,

but Mr. Keller is currently unavailable.

Listen, put him on the phone right now.

It's extremely urgent.

A matter of life and death.

So we're finally face-to-face.

You're making a mistake, Mark.

I'm not the one handcuffed to a chair.

So you saw the Sylocet report?

Hope you don't mind.

I emailed a copy to a friend

so I could read it more thoroughly.

Okay, so where is it now?

At the only person I trust.

And if anything happens to us, that report goes public.

Everyone will know your new drug kills.

What do you think Keller will do to you when he finds out?

Tell you what.

Since Zoe loves negotiating so much,

I'll offer you two a deal.

First one to give up that report gets to live.


1.Okay, so where is it now?

At the only person I trust.

一开始看的时候,还以为是发给了宅总。后来才知道这个only person是自己。Zoe非常谨慎。


I've reached Mr. Keller.

He'll be with you in just a moment.

Thank you.

You're leaving me with no choice.

I'm gonna go to Keller.

You want to tell the old man?

Here's your chance.

You think anything happens in my company

without me knowing it, young lady?

How stupid do you think I am?

Mr. Partridge?

You're on with Mr. Keller.


Mark, why aren't they dead yet?

She says she has a copy of the report.

And just when I thought you could handle

something truly important.

Ms. Morgan, be reasonable.

Every new drug has side effects.

That's why we have disclaimers...

and insurance.

This moral crusade doesn't suit you.

The Zoe Morgan I know is reasonable.

Knows when to make a smart play.

I'll get you the report.

I'll bring you right to it.

Told you.

Always have something to trade.


1.Told you.

Always have something to trade.

这个台词的场景是个双关,李四POI初吻光荣献出(要是他俩也挺好的) 回形针是个神奇的工具。



disclaimer n.否认声明; 放弃; 放弃者;

moral crusade 道德伐战

回形针: (paper) clip;


Let's go.

You know, you really shouldn't be surprised by what Zoe did.

Never trusted that bitch.

Always looking for an angle.

Potassium chloride?

Government uses it for lethal injections.

Stops a heart in minutes.

Quite humanely, really.

Lucky you.

Lucky me?


I'm on my way, now.

The naval yard.

Jail rules. No more phones.

Clever girl.


Been trying to get you for two hours.

Keller's involved.

He and Lawson worked it together,

Up to, and including Dana's murder.

I know. Keller blindsided us, and so did Zoe.

She's about to hand over the copy

of that trial data to Lawson.

You should be more trusting, Mr. Reese.

Zoe just sent me her destination.

Naval yard. Sound familiar?

- I'm on my way. - Ready, sir?


1.You should be more trusting, Mr. Reese.

Zoe just sent me her destination.



blindside  vt.攻击无防备的一侧;


Mr. Keller. Sorry I'm late.

Sorry I started without you, Mr. Partridge,

But when you're as old as I am, you can't waste a minute.

What's your poison?


What the hell are we doing here?

You want your report, right?

He's right over there.

You want me to go get it or--or you?

No, I don't think so. You know what I think?

I don't think you emailed that report to anybody at all.

In fact, I think it's been right here all along.


You picked a perfect time to join us, Mr. Partridge.

Once Sylocet goes on the market,

you'll never have to invest in another company again.

If anybody else, you know, they would have sent

this report to the police or the press.

But not you.

No, you just couldn't resist holding onto one more card.


So you did send it

to the one person in the world you could trust.


Now you're going to take it to the grave.

Get the hell out of here.


Migraine, huh?

Heard they got a pill for that now.

Took your time.

And at what point did you know

you were going to do the right thing?

About two seconds before I slipped you the paper clip.


1..And at what point did you know you were going to do the right thing?

About two seconds before I slipped you the paper clip.




pleasant as it is to talk, the board and I do need to know

what your...intentions are,

now that you own 8% of Virtanen.

Actually, I've sold my shares in Virtanen.

I had a tip that the price is about to take a nosedive.

Tip? What tip?

That senior management was about to have

some very serious legal problems.

In fact, I took my initial investment,

and I shorted your company...

to the tune of 1/2 billion shares.

If you're betting against me,

you clearly don't know who you're dealing with.

Oh, I know exactly what kind of man I'm dealing with.

And I know you don't care who you hurt to get what you want.

I know the only thing you do care about is money.

So that's what I'm going to take from you.

Your money. All of it.

You were right, Mr. Keller.

Thanks to you,

I never will have to invest in another company.


1.you clearly don't know who you're dealing with.

Oh, I know exactly what kind of man I'm dealing with.

So that's what I'm going to take from you.

Your money. All of it.

You were right, Mr. Keller.

Thanks to you,

I never will have to invest in another company.




take a nosedive :To decline or collapse; to go into a sudden rapid drop or decline : 

eg: Her popularity took a nosedive


Excuse me.

Detective Sullivan?


It's me, Car--

Oh, no.



Virtanen CEO Robert Keller

is expected to appear in court today

alongside CFO and son-in-law, Mark Lawson.

to answer charges of fraud, conspiracy, and murder.

Virtanen's migraine drug, Sylocet,

has officially been shelved.

Virtanen's competitor, Beecher pharmaceuticals...

You mind turning that off, please?

Sounds like Beecher got an inside tip.

Somebody must have had a big payday.

Not as big as you think.

Dana Miller's family got a healthy donation

for their suit against Virtanen.

I also heard that Lieutenant Gilmore

found himself up against

some pretty serious corruption charges.

Must have upset someone pretty influential.

Eyes on the road, John.


1.Sounds like Beecher got an inside tip.

Somebody must have had a big payday.

Not as big as you think.



2.Must have upset someone pretty influential.




fraud           n.欺诈; 骗子; 伪劣品; 冒牌货;

conspiracy  n.阴谋; 共谋; 反叛;

shelve         vt. 将(书等)放置在架子上; 将…搁在一边; 装搁架于; 罢免;

                    vi.(陆地) 逐渐倾斜;


Ms. Morgan...

Stay out of trouble.

Not gonna happen.

You've got my number.





